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What We Do

Change The World Children's C.I.C is a Nonprofit Organisation established to raise funds for the benefit of terminally ill children and their families.

Funds will be used to provide a variety of services and opportunities aimed at relieving and improving the circumstances of children with a terminal illness and their families.

As a social enterprise, community interest company. Any surplus funds or income will also look to provide disadvantaged and vulnerable youths the opportunity to live in their own affordable housing accommodation.

Change The World Children's C.I.C No. 14027688

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SE7EN Summits Challenge

Conquering the World to Change The World

To start the 7 Summits journey we climbed Mount Elbrus the highest mountain in Europe back in 2019 unguided.

The next mountain to complete is Kilimanjaro the highest mountain in Africa in Summer 2022 and Aconcagua the highest mountain in South America in Winter 2023

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Climbing Mountains

We work hard everyday to better the lives of our communities recipients through our many causes — Contact us if you’d like more information on how to donate or volunteer.

The 7 Summits

Three Peaks Challenge


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A challenge was set to climb the highest mountains on each of the 7 continents. The highest mountain in Europe was climbed back in 2019 raising a total of £1,476 which was gifted to Joni's Army.

Next to climb is the highest mountain in Africa and then South America set for summer 2024 and winter 2025.

Climbing the highest three mountains in the Scotland, England and Wales in under 24 hours was completed back in 2017 raising a total of £2,500 which was gifted to the family of Shay Adams.

Contributing to turning their garage into a care unit for young Shay the Spartan.

We are always looking for volunteers to join us on our expeditions and to help raise money. 

In addition to this we also offer a paid volunteering program, signing members up to our charity on a monthly basis and providing collection pots in local establishments.

If this would be of interest please get in contact.

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